Sunday, March 15, 2009


I remember being a kid and having so many rules. When I was about 9, I had to ask to go outside or to even go around the block. The furthest I was aloud to go was to the gas station down the street. I would love going there, because I felt free and far from home. I would go there to get candy with my friends. I would normally be in front of my house playing with my neighbors though. By the time I was 11, I would be aloud to go around my area all day. The rule for me was to be home by dark. I would go by the grocery store, to my friends house, or anywhere in walking range. Sometimes I was aloud to take lightrail to the mall, which was only 4 stops away. When I was 13, I was taking the lightrail everywhere. I could go to downtown San Jose or Sunnyvale. I was only aloud to if I was with a friend. Now I am 16 and I am aloud to go to San Francisco or Sacramento with my friends. I feel like I have so much freedom to do what I want. 

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