Friday, January 29, 2010

satirical cartoon

The cartoon is making fun of the innovation department. It is saying that they can't think outside of the box and exaggerating their inability to be creative.

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Onion Satire

The Onion has tons of satire in their stories. They have a really long and exaggerated story of how Shaquel O Neal ate a sandwich during a basketball game. They go on and on about how he played good before he ate the sandwich and then how bad he played after. It is funny how they would take the time to write about such a pointless incident.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Virginia to Norman

Dear Norman Mailer,
Your twisted views on women literature is dreadfully inaccurate. How can one say something has nothing to offer them if they haven't tried it before. Women are not all similar in their writings. I haven't read anything exciting that you have written, so must I say there is nothing your literature doesn't offer one with a
taste for a rancid tang? Many male writers I know do not write with their balls as do you. Women and Men are both human, but society has camouflaged this with opinions like yours. I do thank you for your criticism though. It will motivate me to write masterpieces that will convince people like you that women are not inferior to men. That is what one day I hope to see. But this life, this society, this time is not for me. I wish to die. Good bye Norm.
Virginia Woolf

Norman Mailer

Norman despises women literature. He is stubborn in his opinion that there is nothing "exciting" a women writes about and it is very vague. He makes this decision about women writers and hasn't even read all women literature. He stereotypes women from the books he has read. Women can be just as good writers as men.

the hours

1.Describe the three female characters in great detail? What do they have in common?
How do they differ? How does their era influence who they are?
Viginia Woolf was a writer in Richmond, England in 1928. Laura Brown was a depressed house wife in Los Angelas in 1950. Clarissa Vaughan was a book editor in New York in 2000. They are all very depressed and stressed out. Virginia is stressed about writing the book and is depressed about living in Richmond. Laura is stressed about making the cake and is depressed with her life. Clarissa is stressed about the party she is throwing and is depressed because of Richard.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Yellow Wallpaper

In The Yellow Wallpaper the narrator and her husband John rent a mansion for the summer. The narrator becomes sick. She feels anxious and depressed. She starts to imagine things happening inside of the wallpaper. She sees a women trapped behind bars in the yellow wallpaper in the room. The whole house has a yellow smell from the wallpaper. The smell follows her even when she leaves. She thinks she sees the lady from the wallpaper outside. She eventually tears down the wallpaper and John faints when he walks in and sees how crazy she is.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Story of an Hour

Ethan Frome can be compared to Kate Chopin. They both have similarities, but there are some differences about them too. Ethan Frome is a guy and Kate Chopin is a girl. They are both in relationships with other people and have learned a lot of knowledge about relationships.